Thursday, January 6, 2011


Oh the rage is flowing readily tonight, guys. I just thought of something else that totally plucks my short hairs and if it isn't deserving of a post of its own, I don't know what is:


I GET when people write something purely for smut. I get what you're doing there. I get when it's pointless and all you're supposed to indulge in is the lust and carnality and whatever. I don't buy into it, but I get it.

However, this particular little gem can SUCK IT.

"Hmm... I want to write smut but how do I make it look like it's more than just smut?"

I know that female ninja back in the days of yor were often used to gather information. You know what? They also didn't have mind reading techniques, clone techniques, genjutsus, or any other lovely ninja magic at their disposal.

This is the most frustrating and blatant way I've seen people go about objectifying ANY of the female characters in Naruto. And for real? She needs to seduce him to get him alone to assassinate him? Then get him alone and stick a damn kunai in his jugular. There's no reason they'd actually have to have sex.

Even if you can find a way to use it in a way that ISN'T there just to make a character seem broken and to give her lots of stuff to angst about, I still call you on how CHEAP it is.

You want to give her something to angst about? Have her kill someone and realize that they had a family, friends, and a village they loved--they weren't evil, they were just the poor bastard on the OTHER side of the conflict. Have her kill an INNOCENT man--he's standing in the way of the greater good and he doesn't even know it. Have her kill someone she's had to BEFRIEND!


Do we really have to resort to the same thoughtless cliches to invoke drama? Really?

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