Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Keeping Them Dead

When starting House Calls, one of the first things I addressed was the issue of how AU to make it. Are Jiraiya and Asuma dead? Are they alive? Is Sasuke alive and still in hiding?

I'll say it here: if I had left Sasuke alive, if I had redeemed him and brought him home, I promise you I would have been fair. I hate the useless, little bastard, but I would have been good to him. In the very beginning of the series, he was just an teensy bit likable because you could dismiss the stand-offishness and the revenge-seeking by saying he was traumatized and I would've gone with that.

I'll admit I sort of took the cheap way out. I defused a lot of potential drama right away by killing him, but this also lead to one of my favorite parts, the beginning of chapter 3 where Sakura and Tsunade discuss whether or she misses BOTH Jiraiya and Orochimaru.

As for Asuma and Jiraiya, it was really hard for me to keep them dead. I like them, A LOT. I love Jiraiya because despite the fact that nearly the WHOLE fandom and even the man himself narrows him down to being a very two-dimensional omni-pervert, he's got a lot of depth. And Asuma is just cool. He sort of reminds me in a lot of ways of Jet from Cowboy Bebop. This laidback, reasonable authority figure that sort of personifies the Team Dad.

However, their deaths were also central to some of the most poignant and important moments of character development in the series. I think sometimes the editors must either take Kishi's drugs away from him or pin him down long enough to pump him full of meds, because the man is a shit writer... usually.

Asuma's and Jiraiya's deaths resounded deeply with Shikamaru and Naruto, thrusting the reality of their lives on them, removing the safety net out from beneath them and, to an extent, forcing them to BECOME safety nets for their friends in return. It took Shikamaru out of this perpetual state of apathy and drew genuine emotion from him while at the same time deepening his character, turning him into some of the Team Dad for ALL of the Konoha 11.

Jiraiya's death is a passing of the torch. He's not around to protect Konoha anymore, but he doesn't have to be: Naruto is.

It's so rare that I have anything GOOD to say about Kishimoto's writing or the general storyline of the Naruto series. I couldn't reverse two of its very, very FEW poignant moments.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Devil in the Details

I never speak in absolutes (buh-dum-tish), not even when it comes to crappy fanfiction.

Opinions I post here and on my ANs are really just the short of it. They're the rage-induced part of me venting my major issues and not the rational side that will go, "Yeah, but".

No, I'm not condemning EVERY story that uses a plot device or character trope that I disagree with personally. Some of the best stories, ones that I've marked as favorites, that I love with all of my bitter heart and soul, have taken concepts I hate and flipped them on their ears. Those are the best stories: the ones that surprise me and they exist.

They're just so few and far between that in the mean time I have to rant and hate on the truly crap ones to preserve my fragile sanity (then, looking for good fanfiction can be a bit like looking for a diamond in a shit heap).

By the same token, I'm not saying everything I write is perfect and cliche free. Believe me, I can rip my own stuff to shreds just as easily as I tear into anything else. My opinions are just coming from a lot of experience, a lot of reading from a lot of different time periods and styles, and a lot of Lit Major nerdiness.

In short: take everything with a grain of salt.

Thursday, January 6, 2011


Oh the rage is flowing readily tonight, guys. I just thought of something else that totally plucks my short hairs and if it isn't deserving of a post of its own, I don't know what is:


I GET when people write something purely for smut. I get what you're doing there. I get when it's pointless and all you're supposed to indulge in is the lust and carnality and whatever. I don't buy into it, but I get it.

However, this particular little gem can SUCK IT.

"Hmm... I want to write smut but how do I make it look like it's more than just smut?"

I know that female ninja back in the days of yor were often used to gather information. You know what? They also didn't have mind reading techniques, clone techniques, genjutsus, or any other lovely ninja magic at their disposal.

This is the most frustrating and blatant way I've seen people go about objectifying ANY of the female characters in Naruto. And for real? She needs to seduce him to get him alone to assassinate him? Then get him alone and stick a damn kunai in his jugular. There's no reason they'd actually have to have sex.

Even if you can find a way to use it in a way that ISN'T there just to make a character seem broken and to give her lots of stuff to angst about, I still call you on how CHEAP it is.

You want to give her something to angst about? Have her kill someone and realize that they had a family, friends, and a village they loved--they weren't evil, they were just the poor bastard on the OTHER side of the conflict. Have her kill an INNOCENT man--he's standing in the way of the greater good and he doesn't even know it. Have her kill someone she's had to BEFRIEND!


Do we really have to resort to the same thoughtless cliches to invoke drama? Really?

Mission Statement

I think I've explained this before to a few individuals and, more than likely, in my ANs, but I'd actually like it to be common knowledge, so here we go.

Up until posting House Calls it had been a really long time since I experimented with fanfiction. I always wrote things with my friends, but half the time I was just borrowing characters from certain series I liked, mixing them with OCs, and dumping them in the middle of truly bizarre and AU situations for fun.

I do this kind of thing for two reasons. Firstly, for practice. I want to make money off of my writing, so when I'm blocked up on my original works I turn toward my fanfiction pieces and work out some of my frustration.

Secondly, because the general state of Kaka/Saku fanfics out there is just... I wretch upon reading most of them or I'm overcome by this sense of deja vu because, I'm not kidding, there's probably three plots recycled ENDLESSLY by the fandom and they are:

1. Sakura gets put in a sexually compromising position FOR THE JOB and Kakashi is sent as her back-up.

2. They're pretending to be a married couple to infiltrate an enemy encampment AND THEY SHARE A BED (in more than one way eventually).


Okay, I really have nothing good to say here. Apparently.

And these are just the PLOTS I take issue with. The number of stories that warp Kakashi into some domineering uber man-slut or that turn Sakura into either A. A prude who acts completely immature when anyone even so much brings up the topic of sex or B. Another slut.

Now, I take issue with these portrayals for a lot of reasons. I know people misinterpret grown-up for being sexually active so they think that makes Sakura somehow mature, but it just doesn't. You're objectifying her and watering her down to nothing BUT her sexuality. Sexist much? That's almost as bad as Kishi suddenly making her a whining cry-baby.

As for Kakashi... okay, the man reads porn. Get over it. I can't even begin to put into words how sick I am of people narrowing his character down to that. I mean it. The guy has a back story rich with real emotion and you narrow him down to what? A greasy, Lathario-esque pervert?


I'm not expecting Pulitzer material out of fanfiction (mostly because I'm not that kind of idiot), let alone out of fanfiction that is intentionally written for no other purpose but smut, but when is someone going to draw a line here? I'm not saying this is serious business, but it's maybe a little indicative of something being grossly wrong somewhere.

I suppose House Calls or any of my projects are my shoddy attempt to put my money where my mouth is. I call so many things out as being shit that I had better gird my loins and put myself out there as well or I don't deserve to have an opinion.

So, yeah, the things I post might be plotless, they might be chapters of fluff and no substance, but I've put effort into characterization, I've put time into building the relationships, and I'm not abusing characters I like. I feel better already.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Obligatory: FIRST POST!

Okay, I caved and created a blog for my FF.net things.

Here you will find a whole array of insanity... just as soon as I get all of that written down. Some of my longer, more thoughtful, and less rage-induced rants will go here accompanied by updates on my life and the happenings surrounding it.